Amazon Customer Reviews–  see all reviews here

5 STAR–An absolutely amazing read!

By Jan L. on March 15, 2015

Format: Paperback

An amazing read! I opened it and finished in about 10 days - couldn't put it down. Very organized and even though the concepts are intertwined, easy to understand. A perfect blueprint for a well-lived life!


5 STAR–Guidebook for living

By Pat G. on March 5, 2015

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

This book is amazing. I've only just started it but am already blown away not only by the perceptions and insights, but also by the organization and the truly beautiful writing. Cross makes the abstract concepts of quantum physics very personal and accessible. You don't need to be a scientist or a philosopher to grasp his ideas. I can tell that, for me, this will not be so much a cover-to-cover read, but more of a guidebook for living life.


5 STAR–A Landmark Work For The Betterment of Humankind

By Melba Martinez, PhD on February 27, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition

"The Architecture of Freedom: How to Free Your Soul," is a landmark, 21st Century, contribution to understanding how historical and contemporary developments in philosophic, scientific and spiritual thought, provide us access to the composite and multi-dimensional ways that human consciousness is, and has always been, constructed by the dominant social cultural thoughts and belief's of our time. What's masterful is the way in which Cross fulfills his purpose, as a father, (sharing what he knows to his daughters) and at the same time, creates a substantial work for the betterment of humankind! Bravo!


5 STAR–Great stuff

By Ronnie Dittmar on February 25, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition

This guy seems to have experienced or deeply studied every alternative philosophy and activity that I've ever heard of. It's very interesting and accessible how he relates these to current physics theory, both relativity and quantum. Ron sez "check it out".


5 STAR–Perfect for those seekers who prefer that their beliefs are ...

By Jacqueline G. May on January 26, 2015

Format: Paperback

This book offers in-depth exploration of the framework of science and reason behind spiritual practice. Perfect for those seekers who prefer that their beliefs are in harmony with factual reality.  Fascinating and well worth a read.


5 STAR–The book is such an amazing synthesis of spiritual observations

By DA Carroll on January 7, 2015

Format: Paperback

The book is such an amazing synthesis of spiritual observations, clearly explained physics principles, and many other ideas from diverse sources. One theme is the idea of dimensionality--what is beyond the three dimensions we talk about in ordinary life. Author Tim Cross makes previously abstract principles seem useful, logical, and spirituality-uplifting all at the same time.

What I like most is that it takes me further than I've ever gone into explanations of spiritual thinking that I already resonate with. The idea that there is something more after this physical life--a notion I already "know" to be true for me--is explained plausibly and the author piques my imagination in raising interesting questions I am having fun exploring.

The book is aptly named. If you think of architecture as a framework, the author shows us a structure that includes the truly important spiritual elements included in most religions. I highly recommend the book for those who are want more from the usual spiritual guidebooks and/or popular accounts of quantum physics.


5 STAR–I would subtitle this book: Everything You Always Wanted to Know and Understand About Everything in Life and Beyond!

By Christine S.  on January 7, 2015

Format: Paperback

The Architecture of Freedom is a profound treatise on how to explore the Mysteries of LIFE and how to apply that understanding and wisdom gained toward the living of our everyday lives. The book itself could be considered an entire workshop, but how wonderful to be able to attend in the comfort of one's own home and progress at one's own speed!
The author offers many different ideas for viewing our lives from a deeper, yet broader perspective: how to explore the Mysteries within the context of living our own lives, thereby liberating us from the constraints of our usual deep-seated and limiting belief systems.
The author is brilliant in explaining in understandable terms the evolution of physics, from the "traditional" to the newer, more expansive "out of the box" physics. He is then able to successfully blend science with spirituality, illustrating his concepts by giving excellent examples, many of which are based on his own life's experiences and revelations as well as those of friends and family members.
From living life to its fullest (FREEDOM!) to life after what we call "death", to the existence of our consciousness in what we may term "parallel universes", to lending a deeper understanding of the "Multiverse", this book truly has it all. It would be impossible to list the various subjects and concepts addressed by Mr.Cross, but TRUST that there will be enough discussed to keep the reader fascinated for quite some time! One final comment:
after decades of reading hundreds of books concerning the same general subject matter as contained in this book, I would have to rate The Architecture of Freedom somewhere "way at the TOP", and without hesitation I highly recommend it as a "must read"!


5 STAR–The Architecture of Freedom -- if you really want to be free, then get out of your own way.

By Stuart Hampton on January 2, 2015

Format: Paperback

The Architecture of Freedom is one man's story about Life, the Universe and Everything. It manages to be deeply personal and conversational while offering a range of references and anecdotes from a wide range of disciplines, from architecture (Mr. Cross's profession), to cosmology, psychology, quantum physics, theology, self-help, and philosophy, among others.

It is not a dry academic piece, nor is it a traditional autobiography. The Architecture of Freedom is a very personal communication about what Mr. Cross has discovered about Life (and his life) over six decades of living it. It`s like having a great, long chat with a with a wise person at a coffee house or pub, who simply wishes to gently share what he has learned.

If Plato is right that "the unexamined life is not worth living" then this nearly 400 page book tells me that Mr. Cross's most definitely is. My chief takeaway from this extended conversation -- if you really want to be free, then get out of your own way.

This book is rich in context for and insights about living a fuller, freer life, and I highly recommend it.

Stuart Hampton,
Austin, TX


5 STAR–Fantastic guide on the Journey!

By Hazel W Freeney on December 21, 2014

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

The Architecture of Freedom is a game-changer! I think it may be the easiest to understand of all the books that I have read that try to explain How Life Works. Cross explains how our limited perspectives keep us bound in a tiny 'slice' of life, in a way I've never even considered. And he offers very practical ways to try on new perspectives, and play with them. I love that in the section on Time, he starts with Ekhardt Tolle (who did a wonderfully eloquent job of putting into words the importance of Now), but then quickly shows the relevance of time to our ability to create and master our own lives. He dovetails gracefully into the relationship between time, death, and our constant negotiations with our views of the world that are really reflections of our view of (and fear of) death. And this is just one section of the book that I happened upon today. Tho the book begins with a lesson in simplifying modern physics, I think the real strength of this book lies in the message of freedom from personal suffering and how we can actually achieve such states. If you want to learn how the Universe works (and the Multiverse, Cross's new contribution to our understanding of the Universe), this is a primer that will take you from beginner level to a great depth of understanding. Or so it has for me.


5 STAR–This book was a great read and it's not about architecture

By Skip Gerson on December 18, 2014

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

This book was a great read and it's not about architecture, it's about personal freedom. The author does a good job of walking the layperson through an understanding of quantum physics then taking it right down to "what's that got to do with my life?" The book is rich in personal stories and insights into a very viable way to live life with no resistance and therefore greater freedom. I have found that the way it is written, one can also just skip around and open the book to different chapters. In fact, just clicking on a chapter title in the Table of Contents jumps you right to that chapter.


5 STAR–This Book Is Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind==The Cosmos to Quantum Physics --Easy to Understand and Completely Fascinating!,

By A. Winters on December 12, 2014

Format: Paperback

Tim Cross' book was an absolutely joy to read. I find him more interesting and easier to understand AND more hip and fun to read than anything I have seen or read from Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Stephen Hawking.
This book is an important contribution to our world and a work of love, apparently. The author is hip, funny and brilliant. Mr. Cross has done a masterful job of creating a model to help us better understand life. The price is unbelievably low at $3.95---And I think it is a great gift that is appropriate for anyone high school age up.

As an architect and former physics teacher, he is able to provide an easy to understand (yet thorough) explanation of extremely complex subjects and how he believes they fit together. Some examples are explanations of:
-The Big Bang, Multiverse, Cosmology, String Theory and Quantum Physics
-The Theories of Many Worlds, Relativity and the Multiverse.

He makes these topics easy to understand, even to those of us who have little or no background in physics. He has a fascinating life and provides many incredible stories of his experiences that prove or disprove the scientific theories he describes. Examples include stories of fire-walking and having an out of body experience, and he explores many phenomena, such as out of body experiences and the burst of energy that occurs at the time of death for many.

The book succinctly describes practical ways to understand and work with with the human condition to become a more conscious and presence centered human being. Recommended practices resonate with those of world famous teachers I study (such as Eckhart Tolle) and include mindfulness (living in the now), forgiveness, gratitude, and recognizing and releasing judgment and projection.

I found his history of physics as we understand it today fascinating. A great advantage to the reader is that the author welcomes readers to skip the scientific explanations and pick through the well indexed book to the parts that are of more interest to them.

The book has increased my trust in the universal laws invisibly and seamlessly in operation around me. As promised by the author, I gained a better understanding of the structure of creation, and it eliminated many of my fears.

:) Enjoy and don't be surprised if you do not end up stuck in it, reading for hours, consumed by its amazingly wonderful content!

The full Kirkus Review of The Architecture of Freedom  5/13/15

“An extensive, encyclopedic investigation that walks a fine line between New-Age spirituality and metaphysics.”

“Is it possible some of our central beliefs about time, space, and ourselves are wrong and our lives might change drastically for the better if we revise them? Cross investigates.

This provocative and ambitious book seeks to synthesize ideas in philosophy, spirituality, ethics, and new and old models of science to lay the groundwork for a new understanding of the place of humankind in the universe as well as the worth and purpose of human life. It’s as gargantuan a task as it sounds. The book, in keeping with this colossal goal, is sweeping in scope, moving from a discussion of recent discoveries in theoretical physics to a detailed account of how these discoveries prompt us to reconsider, and ultimately reframe, some of our most common convictions and beliefs. The project, then, is a revisionary one, encouraging readers to call into question the belief, for instance, that our view of the world is objective or exhaustive: “The reader must keep in mind that the multi-dimensional nature of the universe will always mean that it cannot be fully or accurately described using our three-dimensional concepts and language.” Cross gives intriguing descriptions of theories of the multiverse that have captured the minds of philosophers, physicists, and religious leaders for much of recent history. The goal of the project, however, is to show that understanding the connected nature of reality can help us transcend the egotistical concerns that have come to dominate our lives. In one particularly provocative chapter, the author argues that even a figure like Hitler should be understood as a necessary stage in the unfolding of a beautiful, perfect universe. In friendly, well-paced prose, the account flows and is broadly fascinating. In some cases, he puts forward claims that seem plainly at odds with common sense, and the justifications for discarding such common sense seem, at best, weakly speculative. That said, the book succeeds as an exploratory exercise in attempting to understand the practical consequences of taking up alternative stances toward the universe and our place in it.

An extensive, encyclopedic investigation that walks a fine line between New-Age spirituality and metaphysics.” – Kirkus Reviews


Published in the Small Press Bookwatch–July 2015

The Architecture of Freedom

Tim Cross

One River Press

9780988834446, $19.95, 376pp,


Synopsis:  Exploring modern physics, personal experience, and spirituality, this book outlines a radically different way of understanding our lives, our universe and our being. While "The Architecture of Freedom" is not a quick read or proposing an easy fix, once understood, the ideas laid out by author Tim Cross will forever change your life. Whether or not we are aware of it, what the majority of us most desire is peace of mind in each and every moment. This experience becomes available to all of us when we learn how to live our lives without “resistance” so that we can then use our unique gifts to follow our most personal and joyful path.  "The Architecture of Freedom" describes the personal adventure and the process that brought Tim Cross to this realization and will serve others as a helpful guide for this, humanity's common journey.


Critique:  Thoughtful and thought provoking, "The Architecture of Freedom" is a compelling, comprehensive, and informative read from beginning to end. "The Architecture of Freedom" is one of those rare works that will linger in the mind and memory long after the book itself is finished and set back upon the shelf. Very highly recommended for community library Self-Help/Self-Improvement collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "The Architecture of Freedom" is also available in a Kindle edition ($4.95)–Midwest Book Review