(264 pages–6" x 9")

This book is about our universe, our most recent science, our spiritual search, our experience, and how all of these support the once crazy idea that we are here to live lives guided by the uninhibited expression of personal freedom. I define freedom as letting go of those things in our lives that block us from experiencing our birthright, which is living fully within the flow of this infinite creation—a flow that is shaped by a deep type of connectedness that we sometimes call Love. Our primary purpose is to explore, express, and share our individual and unique gifts so that all of us, together, can know and fully experience life’s amazing possibilities. When we resist this calling our lives appear difficult, dangerous, and limited but, when we embrace our true purpose, everything changes and our lives begin to flow perfectly.


When I published my first book on this topic, The Architecture of Freedom, some readers requested a shorter version that would be easier to read and carry. This new book started as a response to that request but, for me, it has become so much more. The process of distilling these ideas has led to a powerful deepening of my own understanding, which I believe I have communicated in this volume. Because of the nature of abridgement, I will not include every topic from the original book and most of the topics chosen are discussed with less detail. My intention is to present just enough information to make this volume self-contained even though it has been distilled to reach a broader audience. If a reader desires more detail or discussion, they can refer directly to The Architecture of Freedom.  





                                                New Book Published May 2020                                                    


                    Non-Judgment, Wholeness, and Personal Freedom

                                        in Our Quantum Universe     


                                                       Reviews of the first book in this series

                                            THE ARCHITECTURE OF FREEDOM

                                                      (362 Pages –8 1/2" x 11")

Exploring modern physics, personal experience, and spirituality, this book outlines a radically different way of understanding our lives, our universe and our being. While "The Architecture of Freedom" is not a quick read or proposing an easy fix, once understood, the ideas in laid out by author Tim Cross will forever change your life. Whether or not we are aware of it, what the majority of us most desire is peace of mind in each and every moment. This experience becomes available to all of us when we learn how to live our lives without “resistance” so that we can then use our unique gifts to follow our most personal and joyful path. "The Architecture of Freedom" describes the personal adventure and the process that brought Tim Cross to this realization and will serve others as a helpful guide for this, humanity's common journey. Thoughtful and thought provoking, "The Architecture of Freedom" is a compelling, comprehensive, and informative read from beginning to end. "The Architecture of Freedom" is one of those rare works that will linger in the mind and memory long after the book itself is finished and set back upon the shelf. –    Midwest Book Review


An extensive, encyclopedic investigation that walks a fine line between New-Age spirituality and metaphysics. Is it possible some of our central beliefs about time, space, and ourselves are wrong and our lives might change drastically for the better if we revise them? This provocative and ambitious book seeks to synthesize ideas in philosophy, spirituality, ethics, and new and old models of science to lay the groundwork for a new understanding of the place of humankind in the universe as well as the worth and purpose of human life. It’s as gargantuan a task as it sounds. The book, in keeping with this colossal goal, is sweeping in scope, moving from a discussion of recent discoveries in theoretical physics to a detailed account of how these discoveries prompt us to reconsider, and ultimately reframe, some of our most common convictions and beliefs… Cross gives intriguing descriptions of theories of the multiverse that have captured the minds of philosophers, physicists, and religious leaders for much of recent history. The goal of the project, however, is to show that understanding the connected nature of reality can help us transcend the egotistical concerns that have come to dominate our lives... In friendly, well-paced prose, the account flows and is broadly fascinating…-Kirkus Reviews